25辆 x Food Truck #Carnival让你吃喝玩乐到够够😁😁

【25辆 x Food Truck #Carnival让你吃喝玩乐到够够😁😁】 2017年3月4号,下午3点到晚上11点,位于Vouk Hotel Suites! 现场有25辆 x 流动餐车,各种各样 “国际及本地”美食,任你吃,价钱只从RM2到RM10,超值到爆啦!! 不去吃到够怎么可以呢?!另外,现场将会有各种有趣活动和游戏,小丑和魔术表演,还有幸运大抽奖哦!更有意义的是,这Food Truck Carnival的收入将会捐给The Cerebral Palsy (Spastic) Children’s Association of Penang做慈善哟!有得吃,有得玩,有得赢大奖,别错过咯! 赶紧带齐一家人去参与其盛啦! (请购买固本 RM50/RM100) 【25 x Food Truck #Carnival😁😁】4/03/2017 from 3.00pm to 11.00pm There are 25 food truck with varieties food (local and international delicacies) The Food Truck Carnival Event will goes to the Cerebral Palsy
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