槟城隐藏版~9 3/4 Platform 法餐厅

槟城隐藏版~9 3/4 Platform 法餐厅

槟城隐藏版~9 3/4 Platform 法餐厅

【 槟城隐藏版~9 3/4 Platform 法餐厅】|槟城好料

槟城的哈迷们,快到9¾月台享受魔法界的西餐吧!来到这里,你首先会对其典雅华丽的装潢赞叹,抬头一看更会被一排排挂着的Golden Snitches所吸引啦!😻😻😻啊~是哈利的那颗小金球啊!这是哈利同款魔法世界了没错!

1⃣Amuse bouchee~Mushroom terroir served together with black truffle crusted, onion confit, gratined bernaise & dehydrated shimeji mushroom.

2⃣Home made black truffle butter served together with assorted homemade ciabatta, multi grain bun
3⃣Molecular Tomato texture served together with poached tomato, seared watermelon, lemon sphere & tomato granita

4⃣Saffron ravioli served together with black angus slow braised 12 hour beef cheek
5⃣Cauliflower texture served together with seared foie gras & truffle oil

7️⃣Duck confit served together with port wine emulsion & onion chutney
8️⃣France apple creme brulee

这里的开胃菜都蛮有特色的,Amuse Bouche和Ciabatta先垫着肚子,Tomato Salad虽小小一份,但是微酸刺激了味蕾,让人开胃。😋主餐Duck Confit的鸭腿煮得是一个滑嫩,和port wine酱料很搭。👍🏻菜色一样一样慢慢端来,一种一种慢慢吃,味蕾和胃囊对食物的满足层层递进,最后来个甜点Apple Creme Brûlée完美收尾,真是享受。😌😌

8 点开始 变成 Bar lounge, 可以尽情享受 多种 红酒 和 分子料理鸡尾酒。推荐点以下酒饮:
🔥Poison Potion
🔥Sphere Tequila with Salt Foam(6 Shot)

这里除了Golden Snitch,还有Flying Books和好多从哈利世界走出来的魔法元素可以供你📷拍照打卡哦!亲自体验一下魔法世界的奥妙啦!🙌🏻🙌🏻

【Platform 9&3 Quarter Fine Dining and Cellar】
Add:No.61,Jalan Magazine,10300 Georgetown,Penang
Tel:017 414 5945
Biz hr:6pm-9.30last Call(Restaurant)8pm-3am(Bar)
Platform 9&3 Quarter Fine Dining and Cellar

#platfor9n3quarter #harrypotter #themerestaurant #westerncuisine #penang#magic #主题餐厅 #魔法世界 #西餐


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