


【 乔治市内,今年就来个“空中花园婚礼派对吧!”】

尤其是拍婚纱照打卡好地方!位于 M Summit 191 大厦(Komtar 对面)。当你一踏出电梯时,第一眼看到的就是牆壁和天花板上裝飾著數百萬朵的櫻花,玫瑰和蘭花,以及絢麗的燈光配合之下,装潢仿佛是个 “王子与公主” 约会的地方。旁边有一間水晶吊燈的玻璃屋,和一座俯瞰全城的露天草地。室内里配有巨大木製鞦韆的迷人大廳,它適合举辦各种活動场合。听起来是不是很想亲身来体验,和拍照打卡呢!
这里最适合举办任何活动如;雞尾酒會,婚禮,生日派对,展覽/展示会,訂婚主持,時裝表演 和 會議研討會等等。好料迷们!首100位成功光顾的朋友,将得到RM1000现金券。

温馨提醒:M Summit 191 拥有全槟城首家 “ #全自动无人停车场🅿” 哦!以后不用费时找车位啦!

The Skye Event Space in George Town, Penang. Sprawling over 4,000 sq ft on the 20th floor of Menara M Summit, this stunning floral sanctuary has been making big waves in the event planning industry since its opening last year. It has hosted myriad weddings, product launches, birthdays, meetings, a beauty pageant, a media night and even television shows! Here, you will find its iconic glass house, giant flower swings and an open-air deck overlooking Komtar and the sea. The walls and ceiling are adorned with millions of gorgeous artificial flowers. Thus, The Skye offers endless possibilities to make your event the toast of the town!

Special Promotion : Up to RM1000 worth of vouchers for the first 100 bookings
Name : The Skye Event Space
Add:Menara M Summit, Level 20, 191-21-1, Jalan Magazine, 10300 Penang, Malaysia
Tel:+604-296 9222 / 019-456 3820
Web: https://www.summit191.com/


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