情牵传统,Kuih Culture 糕点文化坊带你感受槟城点滴

情牵传统,Kuih Culture 糕点文化坊带你感受槟城点滴

情牵传统,Kuih Culture 糕点文化坊带你感受槟城点滴

【情牵传统,Kuih Culture 糕点文化坊带你感受槟城点滴】|槟城好料

在Lebuh Kimberley的【糕点文化坊Kuih Culture】开张啦!在这里,你不只能够用舌尖感受槟城的古与美,还能用RM20的价格收获槟城的历史和娘惹糕点的制作过程哦!

如果你是个怀旧之人,这里肯定会是一个天堂!古早味的木薯糕、Kuih Talam 、Onde-onde、发糕、Ang Koo等等在入口的刹那总能让快褪色的过去开出一朵鲜艳的花。各式叻沙、椰浆饭、煎蕊、红豆冰(有冰淇淋)更是散发着浓浓的槟城韵味。更特别的是,这里还有糕礼盘!五颜六色的糕点拼在一起,简直就像传统糕点盛世一般,好看又好吃!(这里是 Pork Free)



【Let’s feel the past of Penang here and now at Kuih Culture】|槟城好料

Kuih Culture is finally open! Enjoy not only traditional Penang food here, but also a nostalgic trip full of Penang histories in their mural room and watch how Nyonya kuih is made(at RM20) there.

Traditional pastries like cassava cake, kuih talam, onde-onde, sponge cake, Ang Koo and so on will definitely remind you of the beautiful past whereas laksa, Nasi Lemak, cendol and ABC(with ice cream) that they serve bring back old memories. ( Here is Pork Free)


Moreover, they have Kuih Platter here! All the colourful pastries being placed together makes the whole platter looks grand and elegant apart from delicious.

The 3D mural arts on the 2nd floor are kind of comical. Nevertheless, they greatly present the culture and history of Penang. You will find it a nice place to take lotsa pictures despite the nostalgia.

【糕点文化坊Kuih Culture】
【Kuih Culture】
Add: 59A, Lebuh Kimberley, George Town, 10100 George Town, Pulau Pinang
Business Hour: 10am – 10pm Daily
Contact: 011-5628 2889
FB: https://m.facebook.com/…/category/Cafe/Kuih-Culture-182332…/
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/w5dbQhfjnct

#kuih #culture #traditional #heritage #lebuhkimberley #糕点 #文化 #槟城历史#3D画 #古早味 #发糕 #ondeonde #kuihtalam #angkoo #椰浆饭 #nasilemak#laksa #cendol #娘惹糕点


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